ARTM2210 Intro to Web Design

Just another Intro to… site

Website Review, Monthly review 2

Analyze a Website

The website I will analyze is Asimov- Les Lois de La Robotique, a simple commemorative website to the book and author. The website starts with an “A” and a 45 degree square in the center of the screen. The Lines making up the outline of the A are loading lines. This helps keep the viewer interested in the abstract movement of the design while the page loads. The home page has the words Asimov in White with a black, blue and gray picture of space in the background. The blue color adds to the feel of openness and intelligence. The color effects on the home page give it a feel of exploration and possibility.


There is navigation on the right side that is distinguished by diamonds with numerals in them. The page you are on is distinguished by a white center on the button on the diamonds. There is also an arrow on the bottom middle of the screen to show you to scroll down to the next sections. On the left corner of the screen is an information diamond that brings up a small screen that can allow the user to like it on twitter and facebook.

The first page is laid out with circular forms of designs representing gears in the top left corners that turn in opposite direction. The font is similar to the home page. The background resembles a concrete floor look giving the page some depth.

The second page also has circles moving in the top left corners. The Background is different. It has a small grid with lighted dots moving along the lines of it. The dots move in a pulsing fashion giving it a heart beat feel to the background. This is fitting in the sense that the book I Robot was about how technology developed to the point where machines acquired a higher intelligence resembling human behavior and thought.

The last page has large gears interlocked together moving in the center of the page. Each page has a brief description of parts of the book although it is in a different language.

Each page remains consistent enough in color to give it unity. The home page color is consistent with the website but the style of the background is completely different. All the pages seem to match the feel of the book and the color scheme is appropriate. The variations in the background of each page add little more texture to the website. I really get the feel of calculation and structure that a robot would have (even though there are no representation of robots on the website). I like the design and navigation. Its easy to follow.

I don’t like the load time for the website. It is just long enough for me to think ‘this isn’t going anywhere.’ Also the website made Firefox crash multiple times. Out of laziness I kept going back to write about this website instead of a different one. Once the page was reloaded, not everything would show up. Just about every time I clicked away to write this review up and clicked back, some element of the page was missing. I would then risk reloading it and having it crash firefox again. Since it did this so many time I would say this site is very dysfunctional although a good try. Its also very simple. I think maybe adding a few more elements or information wouldn’t be a bad idea.