ARTM2210 Intro to Web Design

Just another Intro to… site

Review #2

For my review site I choose Movement of Data.  when you open the site it is very plain.  You have to click to start the journey.  They have this is the only thing that is in color.   They start the journey in a house everything is in light colors.  As you start scrolling your move along the cable.  They make the cable turn red as you scroll so you can see where you are at.  As you go through the site they explain what all goes on to get internet into your house or business.  As you scroll they show a map of the world and how we are all able to connect.  Once you reach the map of the world you start to travel back to the house.  You go back to through the site.  In the end you have reached the house and the mail or the request has been returned and the site is up and running.  Overall the site is very simple.  The colors are simple and light.  Nothing is to bright or to dark.  Scrolling through the whole site is very simple and easy to go about.  The definitions and explanations are simple and easy to understand.  I would say the site is very successful and easy to use.