ARTM2210 Intro to Web Design

Just another Intro to… site

Puma review by Esther Gatemba

Puma has a clean and clear website that is relatively easy to navigate. At the top left of the home page is the search bar which cleverly starts a leading sentence ‘I am looking for’ that you finish. This makes it easy to search for items, it provides a direct route to finding exactly what you are looking for. No thinking is involved here as one knows exactly what they want, style of shoe, athlete or even color. Not only is the search bar inviting, it also gives you options depending on the first few letters of your search word. The predictions come with the number of items listed/available on the site.

For my shopping experience I wanted to get women’s wedge sneakers. I got to the shoes using the main menu. The main menu is laid out by gender, age and sale. Each of the categories have large drop down menus which are broken down into more specific categories. The layout of the site did not make me think at all, I credit this to the use of a great color scheme. The categories are highlighted in red when you run the mouse over and the sub categories are red when dormant. The rest of the words are in black making the ones in red eye-catching. The left side of the site gives options to filter and narrow down your search which makes it easy to find exactly what you are looking for. Also located on the left side of the site they have reviews on the product you are interested in. Products are displayed against a white background, clear high definition pictures are used, the price and ratings are also provided for each shoe. On selection of an item, multiple images of the product in different angles are provided. A disappointment on these images is not being able to view how shoes look once worn -use of models. (The apparel store utilizes models.) Though it does not give individual products reviews it gives ratings on what other customers liked. This I think is a great customer approach in enabling a consumer to make an informed choice on an product based on the satisfaction of others.

Overall the site is made to satisfy the consumer. Puma has subtle advertisement based on the athletes they sponsor but this is not a loss on their part. Fans of these athletes can find merchandise without considering the puma branding. It does not matter who the shopper is on the puma site, everyone will be satisfied with a thought free experience.