ARTM2210 Intro to Web Design

Just another Intro to… site

Monthly Review #3


Sadie Schweinsberg

Monthly Review #3


I first looked at It’s very classy and elegant and gives a feel of sophistication. It uses a lot of grays and blacks. There are a lot of panels that dictate the different categories of fashion they offer. The pictures differ from darks and mysterious to bright and flashy.  There is a sense of balance because it has a grid like pattern but its asymmetrical with its panel placing.  Its very interesting to watch the images scroll by and look at, let alone looking at the rest of the site.


The other site I looked at was The two couldn’t be more different. While jimmychoo uses dark colors and gives that sense of sophistication, Zappos uses bright relaxing color that give the appearance of picnics and summer. It gives off a much more relaxed feel and layout differs much. While jimmy used an asymmetrical grid, zappos uses a symmetrical grid layout. The products they offer differ much as well. Their categories are much more laid out as well making it easier to navigate from the beginning.


If I had to choose one I liked better, it would be jimmychoo because I prefer the darker colors to that of Zappos.