ARTM2210 Intro to Web Design

Just another Intro to… site

Final Review

In this day and age a website to a restaurant can make or break the business. If the website looks unprofessional, cheap, or disorganized, the establishment will take on the same feelings in the mind of a future customer. What’s more important, a restaurant website needs to seduce and entice a future customer so much so that they leave their house to spend money there. My partner and I are learning how to do such by applying depth with textures, bright, standout colors and readily available navigation with the website for Six Penn Kitchen as our inspiration.

Our website is similar to Six Penn Kitchen because we used a similar navigation system that centers itself around the logo.  We liked that the logo was easy to find and in a place that Stephen Krug describes as a “convention” to standard web anatomy in his book Don’t’ Make Me Think. We are also borrowing their secondary navigation, which is located conveniently under their primary navigation in their menu section.

What we decided to not use from Six Penn was their lack of bright colors and texture. Instead we brought in depth with a wooden floor texture and bright colors that you can associate with the heritages behind our website. We wanted people to connect our website with our restaurant style and design. The wood texture represents our wooden floors and tables. All in all our design is beginning to take a form and its a good one.