ARTM2210 Intro to Web Design

Just another Intro to… site

Christopher Price Final Review


The Food place that I choose is a burger place in Pittsburgh, it is a burger place that will give us a run for are money in the area. The have a very well done site with there navigation and how you  get around to see everything that they have. The layout to the site is done in a very nice and consistent way, it gives it a very easy feel with not throwing to much at you. The colors of the site make you feel warm and like you really want to go to this place. The picked a very good color pallet that works well with how everything is set up. they have a very easy way to get you around there site. It shows you everything that is under each tab and what you will find out about what they are selling/trying to get across to you . They put there site together extremely well, how it compares to what my final project will look like is kinda the same in how we want people to see our information. It has a feel to it that I want to come across from my web page.