ARTM2210 Intro to Web Design

Just another Intro to… site

Archive for Restaurant

The Sewickley Hotel-Brock Switzer

The Sewickley Hotel is a tavern style restaurant in Sewickley, PA.  The restaurant features a variety of food for breakfast, lunch and dinner from many different nationalities.  Much of this website links a user to pages outside of the website itself.  For example, the “directions” link takes a visitor directly to google maps with the address of the restaurant typed in.  Another example is the menus which take the user to a PDF file with the menus that can be saved and/or printed.  This feature is both convenient and at the same time distracting and makes navigating quite difficult.  When visitors to the site are forced to leave it with several links and then press back to get into the site again it is easy to get distracted and lose interest in the content on the main site.  A simple fix would be to have the menu actually present on the site but provide patrons the option to go to a printable PDF version at their leisure.  The map could follow a similar solution in which the “directions” link on the page takes a visitor to an actual page on the site with information as to the restaurants location but also has a link on the page that the user can click on to bring up the adress in google maps.

Another problem this website faces is that the content and links are very small and do not expand to fit the size of any window.  The size makes it somewhat difficult to read and makes it feel less complete and professional.  Simply repeating the background and expanding the content area slightly would make the site feel more open and free as well as give off a sense of completion and professionalism.

One very positive aspect of this webpage is the color pallet.  It feels very rich and deep with reds and oranges.  The homepage text mentions the “warm and cozy” atmosphere that the restaurant offers and the color pallet helps add to that sense of warmth and friendly environments.