ARTM2210 Intro to Web Design

Just another Intro to… site

Single Page Website

The Website I picked was Jamie and Dan’s Big Day. This website is very creative is an invitation for their wedding and the page is a single page the goes vertically down. The web page has a navigation on the top of each section that you can click and it will automatically scroll down to the part that you clicked, or you can just scroll down and it will also take you trough the whole page. The page is divided in 6 sections each part is something about their wedding saying either the day, the place, the hotel you can stay, etc. The website is also divided in 3 different colors, and they repeat the colors for the 6 different sections. The three colors go with each other so is not an odd color pretending that is just another page. We can see that the colors make look like a single page website. They also designed the website placing pictures of the couple at the end of each section so the people that are navigating know where the content ends for each section.