ARTM2210 Intro to Web Design

Just another Intro to… site

Review – Single Page Website

Katie Withrow

The website,, is a very simple and clear website to understand. The site successfully uses color and texture. It also, is easy to navigate through the page and has good readability.

The texture on the site is almost unnoticeable; it appears to be extremely small granite. This works for the site, because if a texture was too noticeable, it may be difficult to read what is shown. Also, the texture works well with the topic of the site, which is, a digital agency to help those in business increase their business, lower their costs, and gain new customers. The texture gives a soft feel to the site, and yet the font is crisp and everything on the site has order. There is not much color on, but the colors used are appropriate. Besides the images on the site, the colors used include, white, an off red, different shades of black, and a shade of blue. The off red, and shade of blue, are used in the Viagon logo, and are used to highlight important topics and words on the site. The different shades of black are used as the background. At the top of the site, the picture of the Viagon office is very bright, but when you scroll down, the background is a light black, almost gray color. As you continue to scroll down, the shades of black become darker. This, I believe is used to separate the various sections of the page. The color white is the color used on most of the words on the site. The white lettering, stands out against the black backgrounds, and catches the users eye. All the colors used, I believe compliment each other and work well to enhance the website’s design.

The Viagon website provides two extremely easy ways to navigate through the page. The first way to navigate through the page is by scrolling down to the end of the page, than scrolling up to get back to the top of the page. This particular website is not very long; therefore, scrolling on this page does not take very long. The second way to navigate through this site is by clicking the tabs in the top right corner. Each tab will take the user to the corresponding section. The block with the tabs does not disappear when scrolling or clicking the tabs to go to another section. The tabs stay with the user, which is extremely helpful to go to a new section or back to the top of the page without having to scroll up or down. The “blog” tab on this page; however, navigates you away to a page that is not available due to “renovations.” In order to get back to the home page the user must click the blue hyperlink that is in a different language. Since this part of the site was in a different language, it was difficult to understand. Otherwise, the site is a great example of successful user navigation.

Some of the design elements that make the site easy to understand include, size, contrast, and balance. The size of the font is large enough to read without having to get real close to the computer. Also, when a larger font size is used, the user knows that is the topic of what the user is about to read. The smaller font indicates the description of a particular section. The contrast between the white font and black background works well with the site. The white stands out against the black and allows the user to easily see and read what is on the site. The layout of the entire site is very balanced. The text and smaller pictures throughout the Viagon site help balance the very large picture at the top of the site. Also, the pictures and text are aligned where both they complement each other and look proportional.

The Viagon site is an excellent example of layout in web design. The site is easy to navigate and understand. Although not many colors are used, the ones that are used stand out and help the site look presentable. The words and pictures are easy to read and see, and stand out against the black background. I believe the Viagon site is very successful in all aspects of design.