For my review I decided to compare and The Bravo Franko webpage to me is an easy reading webpage. The balance on present, because everything is in its own area. Unity also has plays in the webpage. The pictures on the site are equally spaced and are close together. The food photos that are centered on the site emphasize what the restaurant is about and what it looks like on the inside. Layout is clean and organizes the area. At the top is the navigation bar, in the center are photos, and at the bottom is all the information a person would need about their hour of operations and a short bio about the restaurant. Krug’s five important “things” are shown because of the easy navigation and was pretty self-explanatory.
The webpage is easy to read. Balance is shown with the spacing between the words and nothing is spread all over the page. Unity helps the page, because since balance is shown this helps put everything together. What emphasizes the webpage is the photo of the building when the webpage first pops up. The layout is clean and understandable. Krug’s important “things” are shown by the layout and the links are readable.
I like the site better, because of the design and the navigation. I also like how they have an inside picture of the building and photos of their food. Plus I don’t need to click on a bunch of links to get to one thing.