ARTM2210 Intro to Web Design

Just another Intro to… site

Project 3: Multipage website – Fusion Restaurant

Your task is to create a web site for a fusion restaurant. The site should establish identity and branding, be easily navigated and attract foodies, that are tech savvy and between the ages of 18 and 35. The site should highlight specialties, locations, chef bios, reviews, either on online order or reservation page, other page ideas could include events, weekly or daily specials, (they could also sell products… t-shirts, sauces), etc.

As web designers, you should research the competition and suggest additional content for the site. The site should establish solid identity and branding by creating an online atmosphere that is representative of a physical location (choose: the south side, squirrel hill or the cultural district).

Minimum Requirements

  • Minimum of 5 to 8 pages
  • Valid HTML and CSS which will be checked by
  • Rollovers, bread-crumbing
  • Original graphics, photography and/or video (no stock photography, no live-trace.)
  • jQuery

Process Requirements

  • Work in teams of 3 or 4
  • Create 5 to 10 Sketches and 1 comp
  • Show Evidence of research – your two final reviews must be on a local restaurant’s website
  • Suggest a domain name and host – this must be submitted with your final review
  • Track your time – each week you must submit what aspect of the project you worked on and for how long.
  • Evidence of process should be handed-in in the form of a sketch book or pdf.


  • Outside of class begin Brainstorm concept, sketch ideas and work on content
  • Rough concept due, begin design comps in Photoshop, Illustrator or Fireworks
  • Begin Slicing & Coding
  • Continue Coding & adding content
  • Coding should be nearing completion and site should be ready to troubleshoot
  • Final Critique
