ARTM2210 Intro to Web Design

Just another Intro to… site

One Page Review: La Sabree Freelance Graphic Web Designer

One page websites are underrated. Because they are restricted to one page, a certain amount of creativeness must be used to make them both engaging and easy to use.  The website is a prime example of this.

The creator is named Sabrina N. Lopez. She describes herself as a graphic designer and it shows in her website.  The background is a drawing, presumably made by the creator herself, of a blank face with long flowing hair and note cards attached to the hair. She utilizes a fantastic use of colors, ranging from orange, brown, purple, red and gold. As well, there is a texture added to the website that makes it that much more interesting. It brings to mind a freshly done painting that you could reach out and touch.

The website is simple to navigate. At the top of the disembodied head there are three graphics; an exclamation mark in a speech bubble, a message in a bottle, and a light bulb. Passing the mouse over them produces text that clues you in to their purpose. If you click them, they scroll you smoothly down the page to the right destination.

To clarify, the exclamation point sends you to a short biography, the light bulb sends you to the freelance work she’s done, and the bottle sends you to the messaging and email section.

In addition, Ms. Lopez has added a floating navigation bar with the same icons. This way when you click one, you can reach the different sections from any point on the page.

It is also easy to read for the most part. Some of the text is in cursive, which makes them slightly harder to read, but they are still legible.  Her bio is to the point rather than giving the reader more information than they have patience for. Some websites make the mistake of being too verbose, but Ms. Lopez avoids this.

The section where Ms. Lopez shows off her work for her various clients is reasonably easy to understand.  There are icons for each project and although an initial glance does not tell you what it’s about, if you hover your mouse over each icon you can see which company she worked for. If you click them it takes you to a slideshow of her work for that company with a description for each one.

The last section contains a simple email and message space. There are no intrusive questions asked or excess details. It is merely a space to send an email, and a space to send a message

In conclusion, despite its minor flaws, this is a fantastic website and a prime example of the wonders that one page websites have to offer.