ARTM2210 Intro to Web Design

Just another Intro to… site



For my monthly review I have chosen to analyze The home page is very clean, sporting their logo in the upper left along with a search engine. To the left it has a categories table listing all the different categories of items that they sell.  The eye catcher here is in the body of the page where newegg has done a wonderful job to catch people’s eyes.  There is a slide show on top showing sponsored ads and deals they have, and below that they have their “Shell Shocker” deal, “Featured Daily Deal” and their “Eggxtra! Eggxtra” deal. They have a great use of specialized fonts and use of bolding to make certain words stand out amongst the pictures. The “Eggxtra! Eggxtra!” deal is a cleaver play on words that plays into their brand and I personally feel is easy enough to understand what they are trying to say, ‘extra’. Two helpful little tables they have below the categories table are the “Shopping Guides” and “Shopping Tools”. Working with computer and the components that make up a computer can be a daunting task, but newegg does a great job of helping out the consumer, which could help build trust. The search bar looks and works great. Navy blue with white search boxes, it has a categorical search and a keyword/model#/item# search. I decided to search for Intel’s new Ivy Bridge processors. When I started typing, I was pleased to see an auto fill feature which is nice because it’s quicker and seeing all of the other words and you type letter by letter may also lead you to other products that you did not even know about. Newegg could possibly have one of the better search queries in the business. I searched “ivy bridge” and my results show up with pictures, rating, brief technical description, any deals that go along with that product, the price, and a quick “add to cart button”. On top of those great features, to the left there is a “Narrow Results” table that can help you pin point the exact model. Since there are so many variations in computer parts, they’ve added a 5 item comparing tool, which I’ve used and is extremely useful. It helped me make an informed decision about components. I’ve chosen to add the i5-3570k to my cart and check out, the button to the right of the picture is clearly a clickable button and you can tell since they used shading to make it seem as if it’s a physical button. After hitting in, it directs me to a confirmation that I have added it to my car and also has a “May We Suggestion” section highlighting items that might go along with the product I just added and also products tailored to me based off of past searches. Directly above the picture of the item, they have navigational buttons to lead you either back to your search query or to your shopping cart to check out. The shopping cart is one of my favorite because it has a lot of functionality to it. With this one page, they cut out one if not two pages from the checkout process. In the shopping cart you can delete an item, add more of it, calculate shipping, actually select a delivery method, and they also have a table with the “Newegg Promise”. Overall, newegg makes a difficult and frustrating thing such as technology easy as possible. The web site is intuitive, clean, and visually stimulating.