ARTM2210 Intro to Web Design

Just another Intro to… site

Monthly Review 3

When i checked Zappos the color of the site balanced very well with the whole site and was calming experience to search for shoes. Then the site Jimmy Choo had a more vibrant color and the balance of the colors were good. I Also noticed that on the sides of Jimmy Choo the flowers were not the same giving off a asymmetrical balance while the balance in Zappos was clear to be symmetrically balanced.

Now the Emphasis was different for both Sites. Zappos were emphasizing running shoes. spring shoes, Certain kinds of clothing for rainy days, and lastly Casual clothing. While Jimmy Choo is showing off there seasonal shoe right off the bat, and a actress wearing the shoe and walking in them. Which emphasizes that they look really nice and are look nice for events and special occasion outings. Where Zappos is just showing different types of shoes for running and just for the spring. Then they have Clothing for special days like rainy days, and just a casual day of outfits. Jimmy Choo is also emphasizing that there shoes are more extravagent, then the ones that Zappos sells.

I think both sites have a nice layout and are different from one another. On Zappos and Jimmy Choo the sections are both up top, but then Zappos has a subsection on the side. On Zappos the search tool is more emphasized then the one on Jimmy Choo, It took m a few seconds to find the search tool on Jimmy Choo because its so small and is in the corner. Also the search tool on Zappos seems a little easier to use because under it says you can look for certain sizes,narrow, wide, and popular shoes. Where as in Jimmy Choo there is no advance search. Also the sites logo is easily seen when one the page and when you got to different pages. Though the both have the logo different locations one more effective being in the middle while the other is in the top left corner. I noticed in the Jimmy Choo that it has a Breadcrumb trail to lead you back to the home page. Where as the Zappos doesn’t show a breadcrumb trail of where i was last.

I think the Jimmy Choo has a more attractive attention getter then the Zappos site because of the vibrate color they use and The photo also brings in attention. The navigation on the Jimmy Choo website is a little more elobrate then the Zapos because when you go over the bar subsections come out and you can choose for there if you see what your looking for. I noticed that Zappos has there customer support up top if you need help and is in a good location if a person is having trouble locating something. But Jimmy Choo doesn’t have a help tool really, there is a contact us button at the bottom but the Zapos is running 24/7. I think Jimmy Choo is a good website if you know what your doing and what your looking for but the Zappos seems more helpful and easier to use with everything being at the top. If i was a new user and wasnt good on the internet the site i would choose that was better would be Zappos, but if i was experienced and knew how to use the search efficiently and navigate well the n Jimmy Choo would be the best site. Though i would probably pick Zappos for the winner of the site because its the one that would make you less frustrated, your getting help 24/7 of the time, and its easy to use. A site i would more likely use to search for something i neeed.