EnemyGraph is an app on Facebook that allows users to declare who and what they don’t like. The name “enemy” has the completely opposite meaning of the term “friend” that Facebook chose to use for people users may know and they “like” their interests. The app shows that the site only shows the positives in one’s life, such as who they enjoy being around or doing. That is not the case in real life, because everyone does not “like” everything. There has not been an option to express negative responses on Facebook until the release of this app. It gives more of a truth behind each member of the site. It allows people to show what they dislike in popular culture, and who is not a true friend on the given “friend’s list.”
Declaring someone as an enemy can be bold, but social media seems to give users an easier outlet to express feelings. Declaring a person as an enemy proves more of a relationship than a mere acquaintance. The term “Facebook friend” has very loose meaning to how people know one another in the real world. However, having an enemy option shows more than one side to a person. For instance, instead of a user having to “like” a page titled ‘like if you hate jellyfish,’ the option for becoming the enemy of ‘jellyfish’ is now a much more simplified option.