- Alyssa Bishop- I like how the atmosphere of each section changes. For instance, how the weather starts out as partly cloudy, then changes to storming, and then moves to indoors. One thing I would improve is the placement of the text in relation to the silhouette of the man because sometimes the man covers up the text. I really like the colors of the page because they look very realistic. Plus, the textures of the grass at the bottom and the clouds in the sky have a lot of depth. The imagery of the mattresses directly relates to the story, which makes the story more interesting to read.
- Zac Brittner-I enjoy the cartoon feel of the page of the clouds and the meat. The scroll works well because it is slow enough that it looks smooth. The design is very simple, but it works because you can easily scroll through and not get confused. The only thing I would add to this piece is somehow making it obvious where the place is you need to click to scroll down. However, I really like the silhouettes of the birds because they really look like crows.
- Milt Chatzimouratidis: I really like the illustrations in these and how they are very stained glass looking. I like how the colors are consistent throughout and it relates to the story because he talks about diving into the ocean of emotions. The scrolling flows very well because there is a button on each section that scrolls to the next. Plus, once you get to the end there is a button that takes you back to the beginning, which makes the page easy to navigate around. The images are very generalized, but the little parts of each one makes them look very detailed, which is very unique and interesting.
- Jacob Cimba- The animations throughout the page are very well thought out and makes the page appealing. The colors slowly changing as you scroll down make the page flow and unite. It is really neat how you can click on the house, and the lights from inside turn on. The illustrations look very realistic because of the gradients inside them. Plus, they relate to the story because the main subject of the story is the gourd.
- Brian Duncan-I like the images used throughout the page to help explain who people are. It’s interesting how the information takes you underground into the different stages to hell. The red gradient in the center of the page that fades into black really gives it a dark and devilish look. If I were to improve something, it would be changing some of the yellow colors to reds to make the page flow better and get rid of the stripes. I really like the door at the top and the caution not to enter because it sets the tone of what information will be given below.
- Laura Keefer- I liked how bright the colors were because it makes the story very appealing to look at. There is a lot of depth in the grass, as well because of the different colors used. The scrolling works because each click takes you to the next part of the story. The placement of the text is efficient because there is no overlapping with the bugs or the sun, which makes it very easy to read. The only thing I would add would be something to make it obvious where to click to make the page scroll down.
- Ryan Palaschak-There was a lot of work on illustrations in this project, which makes it very fun to look at. The story is easy to read because all of the text is on scrolls. The page flows horizontally because the water level stays the same and the colors are pretty consistent throughout. The land that is small in the background gives the page a lot of depth, along with the detail on the crocodiles.
- Liz Phillips- The text on the bottom and the stream running through the page make all the scenes unite and look consistent. The texture of the fire makes it look like it is in motion, just like real fire. I enjoyed how everything is cartoon looking because it sets a fun tone to the story. The stream going horizontally makes the page easy to navigate around because it shows that the scroll is from left to right instead of up and down. I like how in one spot the bear and fox are very small to make it seem like they are farther away because it shows depth within the page.
- Evan Phillips- I like the illustration of the building because it is very symmetrical and looks very crisp. The mountains in the background are unique because they are all different colors and silhouettes, which makes them look like they are in the distance. Plus, the mountains make the page flow because they are consistent from the left end of the page to the right. I would add a scroll to the page to make each section come up without passing up text because some of the text is very short. I like how when it goes from day to night, the people turn into silhouettes, which helps show that it is really dark out.
- Latiyfa Whitehead- My favorite thing about this page is the animations. The ghost of the girl going up and the man going underground into the depths of Hades helps make the page obvious that it goes vertical instead of horizontal. Towards the bottom the girl is faded into the background, and it really relates to the story because it says how she was taken away into the darkness. The trees are very unique because they are bent over like weeping willows. The teal background behind the text makes it stand out and without it the story would be very hard to read.
- Katherine Withrow- I like how there is no white space around the story. The page really flows because the background is the same color, and the sections are broken up with black borders. The only thing I would move is the “End of Story” text to the end and the “Beginning of Story” to the first part of the page. The footprints at the bottom are very interesting because they are just the silhouettes. Plus, they help navigate throughout the story.