ARTM2210 Intro to Web Design

Just another Intro to… site

Folklore Peer Reviews

Zac Brittner : The greedy crow
The imagery off the start is crisp and clean. imagery has little use of color, yet with the limited palette details are still grasped creatively and colors are bold representing specific subject matter. The imagery supports the text because the text is sans serif so it has a simple basic look to it which playes off the way the tree and the crows were created. Some elements i felt could improve are do more with composition, kind of simple. Also, allow for images to show completely and not have a distinct white line to cut an image off. Some principles of design i caught were repetition with the composition throughout; position can also be applied to the previous example it kind of plays off repetition for a layout. Another was, Color, the simple use of red and blue. Also, proportions to if the crow was close or far the size varied to represent the image.
Milt:  Neriel
Imagery is outstanding. Strong use of muted colors with bold outlines, to create an almost abstract image. imagery supports the text, contrast between the size of each. Serif font choice helps keep the overall feel to the story. No texture used in the images yet texture was created by the outline of the individual shapes. Some elements the could be improved on are ending of story in compare with the beginning. Also, make navigation for story a little more involved with the story. Principles of design i caught were, size and proportion, repetition, unity, contrast, and color.


Laura Keefer: The grasshopper…
Elements that are eye catching are the vibrant color palette, use of gradients, and detailed imagery. Some elements that i thought could be improved were the positioning and breaking down of the text boxes. a little more to the use of scrolling, and text needs to be more legible. Imagery and text down really flow to smoothly, hard to read without focusing. principles of design i caught were, balance, color, position. texture was created in the background with the clouds.


Liz Phillips: Why Dogs chase foxes
Good elements throughout are the images used to create a visibly interesting story.The text and the imagery match up quite nicely, you get to see what you read. Background is very creative and colors are a good choice very vibrant and full. Texture is created with the use of shadows. Some elements that could be worked on are,different positioning of text, or maybe do something more with it. Have a way to wrap up the end instead of the abrupt end. principles of design i caught were, rythym, balance, unity, position, color, and proportion.


Katherine Withrow: How the Sun, Moon, and Wind…
Some elements that stood out more than others were the easy click navigation with the footprints. Also, the simple shapes make it fun to look at. The detail on the shapes could use a little bit of work, and also, The text could be easier to read. Yet the text is kind of hard to read, it does support the theme of the story, nursery rhyme feel. There is some texture in the cloud but not else where. use of colors was good, simple shapes work nicely with the simple basic colors, red yellow blue. Some principles of design I caught were, color, proportion, balanace.


Alyssa Bishop: Princess and the Pea
Some elements that popped out to me were the background sky, the texture in the grass, and the stormy area.  some areas of improvement i saw were the font choice,  a little more detail to images, too much of a contrast between silhouette images and texture filled background. some principles of design that are present are, color, proportion, and contrast. the text does not support the story in my opinion it could use a different font maybe a serif type face.