What works best:
-The colors are visually interesting/look really well together. I just personally love the combo of light blues and black so that may just be me.
-I think the images compliment the story really well-each image ties in to the story so it’s not like you’re asking “Why is this included?”
-It works well being centered
What I would improve:
-At least when I opened my browser, I had to zoom out a tiny bit to be able to read through the story. It wasn’t that big of a deal, because we all have that problem, but I think that if we had knowledge of how to make it look it’s best on all browsers and monitors than that is the first thing I would do.
-Maybe add an animation feature where the crows actually look like they are flying down, I think that would look pretty cool and add a lot of visual interest.
What works best:
-The images are really abstract and visually interesting.
-The images compliment the story really well.
-I think that the images are what really makes the story interesting. I’ve looked over it twice and each time I’ve found something new that I didn’t notice the first time.
What I would improve:
-I think I would make the images more colorful-maybe draw more attention to certain aspects(like he did with the eye, it pops out at you)
-Personally, I feel like it would be a little more visually interesting if the images were more centered
-Maybe add a scrolling effect where instead of scrolling with the scrollbar, you can just click to each one.
What works best:
-The image of the tower and how Rapunzels hair flows down the page
-The jumps to paragraphs works really well
-Even though there is just one image
-The colors worked really well
What I would improve:
-It would be cool to have the hair moving with the page as well
-Make the jumps a little smoother, it seemed to jump really fast
Jacob C:
What works best:
-The animation of all the different images
-Even though the background is really plain, it works well with the story especially at the end when it seems as if the water is getting higher
-Really liked the moving gourd
What I would improve:
-Add a blue background throughout the whole page
-Too much white space
-Add a jquery so it jumps
What works best:
-Each level of hell is laid out well and explained
-I like how it goes from red to black
What I would improve:
-Maybe make the images bigger and more related to each level somehow
-Add a Jquery
-Maybe add a little devil that floats down with the page when you scroll
What I would improve:
-Maybe add fire as a background somehow, or have fire at the bottom and animate it
-Change the colors around
Laura :
What works best:
-I really liked the jumps to each image, I think that it made it really interesting.
-Love the vibrant colors, illustrations are really well done!!!
-I really like how texturized the last image is.
What I would improve:
-I am not sure if this is just how my browser is, but it has all the images at the very left with a lot of blank white space towards the right. Maybe what I would do instead is center all of the images, and then just add a blue background behind that so it looks a little more interesting.
-Or she could just put the text at the side next to the images.
Justin L:
What works best:
-Really good illustrations
-Good font, it fits in with the story!
-Images fit in well with the story
What I would improve:
-Add the Jquery
-Add in the title of the story on there
-Fill up the whole webpage with the images instead of just on the side
-Or maybe even center all the images, then just add a plain background
Ryan :
What works best:
-Really good illustrations
-Incorporated into the story really well
– colors work really well together
-good layout
What I would improve:
-Making it so it would look good on all monitors/browsers, but that’s definitely more advanced than what we know how to do now.
-Add jumps from one image to the next
What works best:
-Text and images tie into one another very well
What I would improve:
-Add a Jquery
-Make the animals move around
What works best:
-The Illustrations are really good
-I like how the smoke comes disappears behind the mountain and comes out the other side
-Images tied into story well
What I would improve:
-Add a Jquery
-Move the “liquor” text that is on the barrel down so it is more on the barrel than half on half off.
What works best:
-Really nice illustrations
-Love how the images move!
-Colors work really well
-Text and images work really well together as well
What I would improve:
-Not sure if it was just my laptop, but viewing the webpage was a little slow and laggy
What works best:
-Everything fits into the story
-Illustrations are good
-I like how you can click on the footprints and it will take you to the next part
What I would improve:
-The title on the page is a little jumbled together and overlapping
-Make it fit to browser better