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EnemyGraph Facebook App Lets You Declare Your Enemies

EnemyGraph Facebook App Lets You Declare Your Enemies

The Huffington Post  |  By 

“Maybe we should be prepared for the phrase “enemy someone on Facebook” to enter the lexicon.”


For extra credit add a short response in the comments on the above article. Explain what you understand about the app, its purpose and what you think of the idea of declaring an enemy on facebook.


  j.klamer wrote @

From my understanding on the article, the app is basically a dislike button. Which many have been complaining about on Facebook as an option. According to the article as well as my own experience with the social site. Its main purpose though is to have “enemies” which is an interesting concept. However, many already know their enemies on Facebook in which you merely ignore or block the said person. This is exactly like a critique, whether it would be for a job, school, projects. Where you don’t just have a positive attitude about a “post/picture” and you can actually make observations towards the said comment/picture. Just from my standpoint of learning to become a Designer, It would give me a better way to see if people like my work, and if my peers don’t like it. Then I can ask about it and see why they don’t like it or if something isn’t working. Now obviously this won’t be a great way to critique any design work over a social media site. But it is an interesting move towards more of the Youtube layout where you can either make a “like or a dislike” to any videos posted.

  Jaclyn King wrote @

In my opinion, I think that the app is a very creative and unique idea. I have heard many times from avid Facebookers that there should be a “dislike,” button to “dislike,” photos, wall posts, and even friendships. So, after reading this article, I think that this app for “enemies,” is even better. I know for a fact that if this really hit the charts in popularity, I personally, would most likely download it and use it daily. I would “enemy,” a few sports teams that I dislike (New Jersey Devils, Pittsburgh Penguins, New York Rangers), a couple of public figures that definitely annoy me (NJ Governor Chris Christie, Selena Gomez, the ‘Jersey Shore’ Cast), and even the occasional ex-friend or ex-boyfriend. To be honest, I do not think many people know about this app, but, if they did, I have a strong feeling it would cause some controversy for some, yet, popularity for others.

  Brittany Miller wrote @

I think that the EnemyGraph Facebook App is something that will be very popular among facebook users for a while and then it will fade out like the rest of popular apps. I feel that it would be interesting to see what some of my friends would “enemy”. I use the “like” button on facebook and express things that I like but I have never been able to express things I do not like. The only thing that worries me about this app is how they are using the word “enemy”. I feel like this app could cause a lot of drama and fighting between users. If people start labeling other people as emenies then this could create a real problem. Personally, I like the idea of being able to “enemy” something, but I feel that other users would abuse it.

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