ARTM2210 Intro to Web Design

Just another Intro to… site

Archive for Review Topic

Final Review

For your final review choose a website that could be considered competition for your fusion restaurant. Discuss the website’s use of the following three elements: layout, color, texture and navigation. Then critique their effectiveness at guiding the user through the content. Lastly, compare this site to your final project’s design, and suggest how your website will stand out.

Revisit the readings to formulate your argument.

Review 3

Read: Don’t Make Me Think: Pages 50-93, then choose two of the following:

Explore each of your choices, then describe and compare the two sites use of Balance, Unity, Emphasis, and Layout. How do they use these principles and implement Krug’s five important “things” to make sure users see and understand the site? Is one site more effective than the other at drawing your attention, and why?

Review #2

Before writing the review you should read or have already read:

Monthly Review: Choose a single page website that has been highlighted on Describe and analyze the site’s use of color and texture. Further, as this is a single page site how does user to navigate from one section of content to another? Does the user have to scroll left to right, top to bottom, all over or is navigation provided that takes the user to the content? What design elements make the site easy to scan, read and understand content. Lastly, make an argument for whether this site’s design is well or poorly done.

Review Topic 1

Read: Don’t Make Me Think: Pages 10-29

Post your first review to the blog before the beginning of our next class.

Guidelines: first choose a large eCommerce site like ThinkGeek, PumaFab, newegg etc, then search for a product you are interested in and place it in the site’s shopping cart. Because it takes a great deal of planning to create something that takes little or no thought to use reflect on how much the site made you think about this process. Refer to the reading and discuss how the site either makes it easy or not to find and buy a product you are interested in.

Examples of quality reviews:

Remember the four reviews you must turn in this semester account for 20% of your grade.

You must post four reviews of a website on topics of my choosing. These topics will be posted on the class blog two classes before they are due. A few rules to follow, all reviews must be at least 200 words, written using professional language (you are not writing an email or posting this on a friend’s wall) and describe what works and/or doesn’t work about the site: focus on how design principles and elements are utilized, how much the site makes you think and what improvements you might make. Lastly these must be posted to the class blog before the start of class the day they are due, if any one of these conditions are not met the review will receive an F. Reviews will not be accepted late. These will be graded on a scale from 1 to 5.

  1. Review is handed in on time and is on topic.
  2. Review meets the above criteria and describes the site
  3. Review meets the above criteria and shows critical analysis
  4. Review meets the above criteria and cites the current and previous readings
  5. Review meets the above criteria and crafts a excellent argument