ARTM2210 Intro to Web Design

Just another Intro to… site

Bi-Weekly Review 3- Paige Neat

For the third bi-weekly review I chose to examine the Creative Rocket website. This site is very simplistic in nature yet still appealing. The color scheme of the site is mainly black and white, creating a sense of neat crispness. Though mainly black and white, the site has small splashes of color. This works to Creative Rocket’s benefit. The contrast of the plain grays and the vibrant colors generate more emphasis on the important items in color.  There is a very delicate balance in the site since there is only one splash of color. It is possible for some viewers to remain stuck on the spot of color and not fluently graze over the entire site. But, the contrast of the dark black and bright white of the non color portion of the site may help the viewer’s eye to recover from this rut. I noticed that my eyes flowed evenly over the page, and I believe that this is due to the site’s contrast and simplicity. The large font also helped to pull my eye around the page.

The site contains a scroll bar along the right of the page. This also allows the viewer to quickly and easily navigate through the site. This control allows the site to provide more content than just the initial screen view. The site also has many possible links to other important parts of the site. These links are made very clear, and this simplicity also helps the site. Overall, Creative Rocket is a site which utilizes color and navigation tools to compile a successful website.