ARTM2210 Intro to Web Design

Just another Intro to… site

Restaruant Review

For my final project, my group decided to make a restaurant web page. To start generating ideas for the site, I looked at many restaurant sites and found a lot of similar things. All of the sites had a navigation bar the ran horizontally across the top of the page. In theĀ navigation bar, there was a menu button, location, contact us, and about us button. Since it seemed like many restaurants used this feature, we decided to use it for our web site. The site I liked the most was Applebee’s website. When I moved my cursor over the menu tab, a drop down menu appeared that had different categories of food to choose from. I could click on appetizers, burgers, drinks, pasta, etc. If I chose drinks for example, I would click on that button and I would be taken to a page that listed all of the drinks available at Applebees. One thing that I really liked about this site was that there were pictures of all of the food items. I like to be able to see what something looks like before I order it. The siteĀ uses the appropriate colors and font to match the restaurant. The Applebees website it the site that I have been referencing while creating our final web site.