I did my bi-weekly review on a restaurant called Ray’s Place. Ray’s Place is a bar/tavern in Kent Ohio. It was one of my favorite places to grab a burger or wings when I lived in Ohio. Firstly on their website their home page is an old image from back when Ray’s first opened up. The section where the image is is a slideshow of images of their foods. Something that caught my eye was how when you go to select a section on the site the box with the title changes colors when you scroll over it. When you go to the different sections, there are multiple sub-sections you can view. For instance under special event it lists multiple events that happen at Ray’s Place. One sub-section that it lists is the Budweiser Clydesdales. Under this section it shows multiple pictures from when they came to visit. One section at the top that catches your attention is the section titled “Memory Lane”. This section takes you back to 1900 when Ray’s started. It has a slideshow of the timeline of Ray’s and also has a video of the story behind Ray’s Place and it’s history. This site is easily accessible and neatly laid out. All the food items that need descriptions have clear and helpful descriptions and their “liquids” page is very well set up into categories and is easy to get to exactly what section you need. Over all I feel like this page is very simple but very effective. I really enjoyed talking a walk down memory lane of one of my favorite dining establishments. I learned more than I ever knew about Ray’s!