ARTM2210 Intro to Web Design

Just another Intro to… site

Ernest Hemingway Collection

  • Pick one site from and review its texture. How does the site use line & shape, light and shadow and patterns to give their page texture.

The Hemingway Collection site uses light, shape, and line in a very realistic way.  The site gives the illusion that one is sitting over a desk, as we see the shapes of the images laying flat against the table surface. Its assumed that the surface is a table because the coins and coffee cup are seen from above. The light seems to be generated from above and also from the top of the frame, giving the items a soft shadow, which is necessary to make them seem real. Shadow helps to pull the images away from the background and shows that the images are placed on different levels overlapping each other. The lines of the file that contains the information about Hemingway brings the viewer’s eye down the left side at all the objects, and also across the top of the file to bring attention to the navigation bar. The subtle texture of the background and paper combined with the use of shadow and light are very effective in giving the page a vantage point. Its safe to say that the overall design of the site is simple, but the effects placed on the images provide enough effect to create a realistic feel to the scene that is placed before the viewer.