ARTM2210 Intro to Web Design

Just another Intro to… site

Review 2

After burning through page after page on the site I have found out that I am rather fond of a well done one page site.  One example of this would be, aesthetically it is nice to look at and it’s easy to navigate. The nice part about this site is that you can either scroll your whole way through and enjoy some of the animation they have going on, or you can click the links that will jump you down to the lower sections.  On top of all of that the color scheme they chose to work with really helps fuel the page.  With going with a lot of white space the colors they do use tend to pop off the page, or really accent important information they are putting forward.  They also have a couple scroll over features that I didn’t see on other pages. An example of this is whenever you scroll of the photos of the founders it brings up a brief bio about them.  I enjoyed that rather than having to click it and it take me off to another page.  It helps the flow of the page keeping it like that. So in conclusion I would have to say that this site does a lot of things right.  So moving forward if I were to put together a one page site I would certainly look to this page as an example of what works and what doesn’t.