ARTM2210 Intro to Web Design

Just another Intro to… site

Influences in our Final Project

When creating a final project, there were many sites used as influences in the decision on how to approach the final.  Almost all fashion websites have a plain white background because they want the focus on the clothing rather than a busy background.

One of the major influences used was  On the final project, the homepage had a slideshow and this was influenced by had nothing more than a slideshow on the hompage to display, what kind of outfits the company had.  The hompage is the most important page to draw the viewers in and taking the time to make sure that the colors and everything was just right. was the guidances for the homepage.  A different jquery code was used, but the influences from the site where there.

In trying to find a place for a logo, it was a hard a decision.  Continuing to visit fashion websites came about.  Their logo was simple and put on the upper left hand of the websites.  This worked very well for the site and again the focus was on the clothing.  Everyone reads left to right so being able to see the simple logo first does not take away from it.  Logos are important because it helps viewers be able to recognize the site and when deciding on how to place the logo it took many consideration but following what did was the final decision.

In creating the graphic of a girl on the white background was a factor.  In seeing a model have the same background as the website it pops out and feels like the model is in the website. is an amazing site with beautiful jquery, but they were used as a reflection of what could make a model pop on the page and make it seem life like.

For the blog page, the influence was just the way a blog is displayed.  Simply with someone one writing and than a picture to display what the writing was about. Pages such as and have many fashion writers within the blog sites.

In creating this final project searching the internet high and low was a start but after seeing other types   of fashion websites, taking a different spin on them was the challenge.  Making a website always has influences but not making them your own is the challenge.  This project really helped learn coding well, and it was a great learning experience!